Latest articles about Microcontrollers

How to sleep an ATMega328p on less than 1µA with timer wakeup

How to configure an ATMega328p to consume lest than 1uA, while still retaining the ability to wake the processor up periodically via timer (or external interrupt).
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Low Power

BT audio player: Conclusion, problems and screwups

Discussion of the design and implementations problems encountered during the design/construction of my in-wall Bluetooth audio player, with environmental sensors, proximity wake-up, metadata display, and cat animations.
Bluetooth Audio Player
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Bluetooth

BT audio player: Firmware

Firmware design for the Bluetooth audio player project. The basic architecture uses events to trigger external interrupts. Handlers post the event details into a queue and a simple control loop polls the queue and dispatches events to various handlers.
Bluetooth Audio Player
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Firmware | Bluetooth | Code

BT audio player: Circuit and PCB

Circuit and PCB design for the Bluetooth audio player project. The circuit design is not complicated. The main sections are MCU with 8MHz crystal and supporting caps, ...
Bluetooth Audio Player
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Pcbs | Bluetooth

BT audio player: System Design

My latest project is a cat-themed Bluetooth audio player to be permanently installed in my bathroom. The unit will be housed in a standard electrical junction box on the bathroom wall..
Bluetooth Audio Player
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Bluetooth

STM32 Microcontroller Cheat Sheet

STM32 microcontroller cheat sheet by product line, feature, model number. Includes product code descriptions and timer/peripheral information.
Electronics | Microcontrollers

Building a toaster reflow oven - Part 4 (Controller software)

This is part 4 of a 4-part series on building a toaster reflow oven: Oven hardware Controller hardware Manufacturing Controller software Continuing on from the prior posts on the controller hardware and manufacturing, the device needs software.
Toaster Reflow Oven
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Firmware | Code

Building a toaster reflow oven - Part 3 (Manufacturing)

This is part 3 of a 4-part series on building a toaster reflow oven: Oven hardware Controller hardware Manufacturing Controller software So far we’ve looked at the hardware design, but aside from modifying the oven in part 1, nothing has been built yet.
Toaster Reflow Oven
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Woodwork

Building a toaster reflow oven - Part 1 (Oven hardware)

This is part 1 of a 4-part series on building a toaster reflow oven: Oven hardware Controller hardware Manufacturing Controller software After reflowing for some time with hot air and saucepans, I’ve decided it’s time to build a dedicated reflow oven. There are tons of DIY reflow oven projects out there, but I decided to design and build my own (see NIH syndrome) for the fun of it.
Toaster Reflow Oven
Electronics | Microcontrollers

Building an automated water level maintainer for my green wall to prevent another fish apocalypse

Building an automatic water manager for a vertical garden wall.
Water-level Maintainer
Electronics | Microcontrollers | Gardening | Firmware | Code