Latest articles about Concrete

Comfort and utility - a seat and a cupboard

Not content to labor myself with only a pool, deck, stairs, fence, etc., my initial design calls for a wooden seat and storage cupboard at one end of the pool deck.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Concrete

Designing and building the pool stairs

When I designed the pool, I placed the entrance in the corner nearest the main residence. The elevation of the pool deck at this point is 1200mm below that of the wooden deck above it, which is at the same level as the house.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Concrete

Creating an integrated plant bed and storage cupboard

Where there is water, there should be plants. To this end, the design includes a generous flower/plant bed at the shallow end of the pool.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Gardening | Concrete

The bond beam - connecting the walls to the top of the pool shell

A beam of concrete around 200mm thick is typically poured on the ground around the edge of the shell, locking it into place.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Concrete | Rebar

So much steel (Part two)

We covered cutting and bending in the first-part of this two-part post. Now it’s time to place the bent, cut, steel with the help of chairs and ties.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Concrete | Rebar

So much steel (Part one)

534 meters of bar plus mesh to be precise. As discussed during the detailed design, the retaining walls and wall footings contain a lot of steel.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Concrete | Rebar

Making a mold

After completing work on the compacted base for the retaining wall footings, it’s time to make preparations to pour the concrete footings themselves.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Concrete

Turtles all the way down

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand Mathew 7:26 And yet sand is a popular base material under foundations :P
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Swimming Pool | Excavation | Concrete

Detailed design

Fiberglass pool or concrete pool? Concrete pools are built directly in the ground onsite. Concrete (or more often shotcrete) is set on a framework of steel reinforcement and then plastered or tiled.
Swimming pool construction project
Construction | Concrete