After a long break over the winter, it’s finally time to get started again.
In this part of the world even a pool that is under construction must have a compliant fence in place if more than 300mm of water is to be placed (or could potentially accumulate) in the pool.
The final fence will sit atop the pool beam, which can’t be put in place until the pool is backfilled, which can’t be done until the pool is filled with water. We therefore need a temporary fence in place before backfilling the pool/wall gap and filling the pool with water.
Traditional temporary fencing comes in panels that sit on the ground and link together. Given the precarious site, these types of panels won’t suit. They’re also pretty expensive to rent and at the pace this one person build is progressing, would exceed the budget.
After consideration, the only feasible solution was to build the temporary fence on the pool itself. The pool shell coping will be embedded in the bond beam and covered with pavers, so drilling holes in it and mounting fence posts doesn’t present an issue. To hold the posts true, we secured the tops using a number of ropes which were in turn secured at various points around the site.
The basic fence design uses 1.2m high 12x12mm aviary mesh supported by 90x35mm wooden posts and 3mm fence wire supporting the top/bottom of the mesh. The bottom of the mesh is wired to small holes drilled in the shell at regular intervals to prevent any gap greater than 100mm, the maximum permissible.