We finally had the plumber here today to repair and reroute the pipes that were “discovered” during the excavation. Because they connect to the public utility, we’re not permitted to repair the pipes ourselves, but we can (and did) prepare the trenches for the new route, so it was just a matter of laying the pipe and cementing a few connections.
Because the new route will run under the retaining wall footings and the pool deck, two inspection points were added just behind the rear retaining wall. We’ll finish these off at ground level once the wall is completed and backfilled.
We also had a gully trap put in next to where the filter will sit. We’ll be using a sand filter. Sand filters are great because they don’t have cartridges that need to be cleaned/replaced, but they do require periodic backwashing, which flushes the accumulated dirt out. This dirt and waste pool water needs to go down the sewer.
With the house pipes sorted, we can move on to dealing with the pool plumbing.