A cat-themed Solitaire card game Website and Solitaire history blog.
The game runs entirely on the client using SVG and the DOM and is written in Typescript.
User accounts, saved games, rankings, high scores etc. are implemented using Supabase on the backend (Postgres), with game result validation using Supabase edge functions.
Client-side user state management and dialog (login, saved games, profile etc.) rendering uses SolidJS.
The blog portion of the site is generated by Hugo, the content of which was a lot of fun to research.
The site is hosted on Cloudflare Pages.
A full deck of dynamically generated SVG playing cards in 47 KB

A full deck of dynamically generated SVG cards in 47 KB. SVG cards are beautiful on hi-DPI devices, but tend to be as large, or larger than raster versions. This doesn’t need be the case.
SolitaireCat.com game design

SolitaireCat.com is a cat-themed Solitaire playing website and Solitaire history blog, because, why not?
I developed the site as a project to improve my Typescript skills and get some exposure to SolidJS and Supabase.